School Governing Body
School Governing Body
School Governing Body

Meet our school Governors
School Governing Body (SGB) is a statutory body of parents, educators, non-teaching staff, and learners (from Grade 8 or higher) who seek to work together to promote the well-being and effectiveness of the school community and thereby enhance learning and teaching. Section 20 of the South African Schools Act 84 of 1996 as amended (SASA) determines various functions applicable to all SGBs. SGBs may also request “additional functions” as listed in section 21 of SASA from the Head of Department in each province. The provincial minister of education may also confer these additional functions (listed in section 21 of SASA) upon schools if he/she so determines and is satisfied that the SGBs concerned can perform such functions effectively.
Roles of SGB
The SGB must Decide on an admissions policy for the school, on the school’s language policy, decide on what religious practices will be followed at the school, adopt a code of conduct for learners, and set out disciplinary procedures. All these decisions and policies must be in line with national policies. SGB plays an important role in making sure the school runs effectively. They must also adopt a constitution setting out how the SGB will operate, adopt a school mission statement setting out the values and beliefs of the school, decide the times of the school day, administer the school’s property, buildings and grounds, and make recommendations regarding the appointment of educators at the school.